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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Os-Ke-Non-Ton (1936)

    🎬British Pathé – Os-Ke-Non-Ton, hereditary chief of the Mohawk tribe, and now radio star, pitches his wigwam in the New Forest and entertains by singing a love song. Item title reads - The New Empire Review now has pleasure in presenting the famous North American Red Indian Chief Os-Ke-Non-Ton famous on concert platform and radio. L/S's of pine woods of Langdown Lawn at Hythe in the New Forest. M/S of a wigwam pitched in the middle of the woods. M/S as Os-Ke-Non-Ton, hereditary chief of the Mohawk tribe, emerges in traditional native American dress. He kneels, then starts to make a fire by rubbing wood together, M/S as he holds up burning cloth and puts it under a pile of wood. M/S as he lights his long pipe from the fire. M/S as he puts on his magnificent Indian head-dress. M/S as he cups his hands to his mouth and calls. He then announces he is going to sing a Red Indian love song and introduces it. He bangs a drum as he sings. M/S after the song has finished he picks up a blanket and walks away into the woods. End Titles

    🎬British Movietone - Veteran cars (key). GV Beaulieu - people in grounds. LS same - car in f/g. MS tram in the museum. CU Lord Montagu and his fiancée - Belinda Crossley. Closer Belinda Crossley. Same - greeting late Mike Hawthorn's mother. MS greeting Mr & Mrs Stirling Moss. MS S Moss with Raymond Mays. CU Tony Brooks. CU Lord Brabazon. Longer - same unveils tablet. CU tablet. MS veteran car. TS same. Another - same. FS another line of veteran cars. MS Leo Villa looking at Sir Malcolm Campbell's 1921 Sunbeam. CU same - engine. MS Stirling Moss with Sir Henry Seagrave's 1929 'Golden Arrow'. CU 'Golden Arrow'. CU tribute plaque to Mike Hawthorn & Peter Collins. MS the cars they once raced. MS Alfa Romeo - next to Hawthorn's Le Mans Jaguar. Pan - veteran car drives past. Closer another s.....
  • Duke Of Gloucester Opens Bournemouth Pavilion (1929)

    🎬British Pathé – Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, opens Bournemouth's new pavilion. GLOUCESTER, DUKE OF. PRINCE HENRY Item title reads - Duke of Gloucester opens Bournemouth's magnificent £250,000 Pavilion. Dorset. M/S of soldiers standing to attention. M/S of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, walking down the line and inspecting them. M/S profile of him stood with the mayor (?) L/S of the pavilion, the camera pans across people walking in front of it.
  • Premier Opens Big Refinery (1951)

    🎬British Pathé – Clement Attlee opens the new oil refinery at Fawley. He talks about the situation at Abadan. Full title reads: "Premier Opens Big Refinery". Fawley, Nr. Southampton, Hampshire. Various shots of huge oil refinery with lots of pipes. LV Ship alongside jetty, pipe lines in foreground. SV Pipe lines from jetty to refinery. More shots of refinery. GV large audience waiting for opening. SV Pan, Prime Minister Clement Attlee and officials walking up steps. CU Fuel Minister Philip Noel Baker. GV Audience with Attlee on platform. SV Attlee's speech. CU Attlee speaking about oil supplies from Abadan - Persia / Iran. SV Attlee walking away to unveil plaque. LV Attlee unveils plaque. CU Plaque. VS of refinery and storage tanks
  • Their Home Is Bulldozed (1956)

    🎬British Pathé – Mrs Mitchell fights for her home. Ringwood, Hampshire. Defying Hampshire County Council's ban, widow Mitchell plans to rebuild the half-finished house the council bulldozed. GV. Mrs Mitchell's partly demolished house. LV. Mrs Mitchell in front of her shack (improvised) feeding chickens. CU. Four pigs waiting to be fed in pen. SCU. Mrs Mitchell feeding pigs. SV. Mrs Mitchell walks to wheelbarrow, picks it up and wheels it out of picture to her demolished house site. GV. Mrs Mitchell wheeling barrow partly filled with bricks. She tips up barrow to empty bricks. CU. Mrs Mitchell pushing barrow over to empty bricks. SV. Mrs Mitchell's son and daughter clearing bricks from the rubble. CU. Mrs Mitchell's daughter helping load bricks into the barrow. SV. Mr Desmond Bailey, who helped to build the house, calls over Mrs Hughes' son Ian for consultation with plans for construction of another house. CU. Mr Bailey and Ian consulting over plans. CU. Pencil pointing to plans on paper of new house. LV. Mr Bailey and Ian Hughes marking out for new house. LV. Mrs Mitchell with the help of neighbours lifting off window frame from heap of rubble. CU. Mrs Mitchell carrying window frame with help of neighbour. GV. Mrs Mitchell with neighbours still clearing away rubble from the bulldozed site
  • Wood Sculptor (1969)

    🎬British Pathé – Wood sculptor Ron Lane at work in Hampshire. Dibden Purlieu, Hampshire. Various shots of wood sculptures made by wood sculptor Ron Lane. Ron Lane examining pieces of tree trunks branches. Most of the sculptures are animals - birds and fishes, etc. He is also seen at work with chisel carving figures in workshop


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