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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • RIDING ON AIR (1964)

    🎬British Movietone - At Hythe by Southampton Water a full scale experiment is underway - Development Engineer Anthony Plunkett takes control of a rather ungainly contraption. Although it weighs three tons, air pressure raises it half an inch off the ground, allowing it to be pushed along with one finger. Enclose it in a aerodynamic shell and you have a hovertrain which could travel at a comfortable 200 mph.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • Os-Ke-Non-Ton (1936)

    🎬British Pathé – Os-Ke-Non-Ton, hereditary chief of the Mohawk tribe, and now radio star, pitches his wigwam in the New Forest and entertains by singing a love song. Item title reads - The New Empire Review now has pleasure in presenting the famous North American Red Indian Chief Os-Ke-Non-Ton famous on concert platform and radio. L/S's of pine woods of Langdown Lawn at Hythe in the New Forest. M/S of a wigwam pitched in the middle of the woods. M/S as Os-Ke-Non-Ton, hereditary chief of the Mohawk tribe, emerges in traditional native American dress. He kneels, then starts to make a fire by rubbing wood together, M/S as he holds up burning cloth and puts it under a pile of wood. M/S as he lights his long pipe from the fire. M/S as he puts on his magnificent Indian head-dress. M/S as he cups his hands to his mouth and calls. He then announces he is going to sing a Red Indian love song and introduces it. He bangs a drum as he sings. M/S after the song has finished he picks up a blanket and walks away into the woods. End Titles
  • Tour De Britain (1951)

    🎬British Pathé – Coverage of the first two stages of the Daily Express round Britain cycle race.Full title reads: "Tour De Britain". Daily Express round Britain cycle race. It starts in Hyde Park, London. CU Cyclist spinning cycle wheel. SV Pan up cyclists preparing bikes. CU Putting water bottle onto frame. LV Crowds around cyclists. CU French cyclists signing autograph. LV Starter with flag. SV Start with flag and cyclists start. Travel Shot. Cyclists cycling past crowds in Hyde Park. GV of London from Vauxhall Bridge. LV Cyclists cycling across Vauxhall Bridge. GV Cyclists along Bromley High Street, Kent. BV Rounding bend. CU Two cyclists. Travel Shot. Husband and wife on tandem with baby alongside. CU Signpost to Farnborough and Hastings. CU No 2 Georges Blum in the lead. LV And Pan, Cyclists racing down hill en route for Hastings. CU Signpost to Eastbourne. LV Towards and pan No 2 racing through Eastbourne. SV Cyclists racing along and being given satchels of food. SV Pan cyclists racing along and being given satchels of food. CU Ian Steel in the lead now, eating food and passes food to cyclist along side. CU Feed on pedals. GV No 5 over the line and cycles towards camera. CU Gabriel Audemard being congratulated. Angle shot. Crowds looking down from balcony. SV Gabriel Audemard cycling along in front wearing yellow jersey and waving to crowds. CU Gabriel waving to crowds. LV Cyclists passing through Arundel (castle in background) CU Broken cycle on pavement Pan up to Edward Hawkins No 8 of the Irish team. SV Pan, carrying broken cycle to lorry. GV Pan Cyclists crossing Portsdown Hill with Portsmouth in the background. LV Pan. Cyclists along country road and over bridge at Swaythling. SV Sign. Welcome to the New Forest. Angle shot. Racing through the New Forest. SV Towards and Pan. No 18 David Bedwell coming in to win at Bournemouth. GV No 18 over the line. CU Winner No 18
  • Gypsy Artists (1956)

    Artists Sven and Juanita Berlin work on their paintings beside their caravan in the New Forest. New Forest, Hampshire. L/S of a gypsy caravan in a clearing; Sven Berlin is sawing wood outside and a goat snuffles about the ground. M/S and C/U of Sven sawing; his wife Juanita sits by a camp fire peeling potatoes; their small son, Jasper, feeds something to the goat; a black kettle hangs over the fire. Commentator tells us the couple are successful artists who live as gypsies in a horse-drawn caravan. Sven adds some more wood to the fire; Juanita hangs a pot with the potatoes in it over the fire, then walks over to an armchair beside the caravan. She changes her long orange coat for an old black one and puts on a slouch hat, then sits on the chair to take up her position for a portrait Sven is painting. Commentator talks of how the couple came to this lifestyle: "Civilisation, they felt, hemmed them in... pushed them around". Sven adjusts her hat then carries on working on the painting - it's quite bohemian. While posing, Juanita works on her painting of horses. M/S as she picks up her palette and takes her paints and canvas over to a tree; sitting there to paint the horses in more detail. We see some lovely New Forest ponies eating hay as she works. C/U of two of the horses with lovely long hair! Note: On file is a news cutting from the Southern Daily Echo about the Berlins and their way of life
  • Eve At The Round-Up (1931)

    🎬British Pathé – Wild Dartmoor ponies are rounded up. Devon. Although not filmed in The New Forest, it is a window on the practices of the time: A Dartmoor Study. "Every year a "drift" (or round-up) of the famous Dartmoor ponies takes place - and hundreds are collected." L/Ss of horses trotting across the moors. "The riders, who are mainly the owners of the animals, carry out the round-up - and a hard-riding job it is - " Riders trot away from the camera across the moors. M/S of wild horses run across a little bridge. High angle shot of riders coming down a hill with the wild horses being herded ahead of them. Various shots of the horses being herded. "The ponies are driven into a "harrish" field, where the owners sort them out." Various shots of the ponies. "All foals belong to the owners of the mares - " M/S of a boy standing with a young foal
  • Model Racing Cars Aka Indoor Car Racing (1956)

    🎬British Pathé – Model cars that can race at 60 mph. Boscombe, Bournemouth, Dorset. C/U 2 men, Alban Adams and Christopher Crockett, who make their own model racing cars. C/U model tyre home-made in special moulds. The cars are perfect replicas of various Formula 3 cars built to a scale of one sixteenth. They run on an eggcup full of diesel oil. C/U Alban Adams putting finishing touches to one of the racing cars. Some of the cars are put on racing track with a simple fitting which keeps them on single track lines. (Looks like an early Scalextrix). Top shot of 4 cars racing round the track


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