Book Archive

From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • WHITE WEDDING (1960)

    🎬British Movietone - NO SOUND - CUTS FOR STORY NUMBER 79086 - Ms Bride and groom outside church. Mountbatten and bride in church doorway. Group left to right. Edwina Mountbatten, Prince Charles, Lord Brabourne, Princess Anne and Prince Philip all have glasses in their hands. Mountbatten and Bride. Bride with bridesmaids and Charles. Group shot Bride, Groom, bridesmaids and Brabourne. Good CU Princess Anne. Anne drinks from glass. Painting presented to newlyweds. Bride and Groom. Cutting cake. Good CU kids and Pamela. Princess Alexandra and Marina Duchess of Kent. Queen Mother and Princess Margaret. Lots of good shots of young charles and Anne. LEAVING FOR CHURCH - Nice shots of Mountbatten carrying young bridesmaid to car. Mountbatten says goodbye to Alice, Duchess Of Gloucester, Princess Alexandra and Marina. Mountbatten with other departing guests. Mountbatten escorts Queen Mother and Princess Margaret to their car. Philip and Charles out followed by Mountbatten. Princess Anne into car followed by Edwina and bridesmaids. Mountbatten and Pamela out of house and into car. Bride and Groom talk to people at reception. Prince Philip talking. All exterior shots have snow in them. Wedding Cake is shape liked Broadlands House.
  • Fawley Refinery (1953)

    🎬British Pathé – A look at the exterior of Fawley oil refinery in Southampton, Hampshire. Fawley refinery. Southampton, Hampshire. Various shots of oil tanker in dock with pipes running from it, camera pans across to oil refinery where the crude oil goes. C/U pipes. Various good exterior shots of the refinery. M/S steam rising out of pipe. L/S flare stack which burns off excess gases
  • BBC South 50 years: Episode 18 Presenters

    🎬BBC South 50 years: Episode 18 Presenters. A series of 19 mini-features made by BBC South at Southampton in 2011 to celebrate the station's 50 year history.

    Episode 18 Presenters. A look at the people that have presented South at Six and South Today over the years.

    NFG are indebted to the BBC staff at Southampton for their help in sourcing items for the archive. See more episodes in the Category - BBC South.
  • Pine Marten Now in the New Forest (2018)

    🎬Pine martens are extremely rare in Britain. But, this is the second time anyone has filmed a sighting in the New Forest - with one first caught on camera in 2016.

    The mammals are elusive members of the weasel family. Experts say pine martens were widespread throughout the country but their numbers began declining in the south around 200 years ago due to habitat loss and predator control measures.
  • Royal Honeymooners Attend Romsey Abbey (1947)

    🎬British Movietone - Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh attend Sunday morning service at Romsey Abbey. The couple have been staying at Lord Mountbatten's home, Broadlands, and happily posed for the cameras in its grounds.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • Lovely Lady (1946)

    🎬British Pathé – Pathe visits Margaret Lockwood in her home. Ringwood, Hampshire. Several shots of film star Margaret Lockwood at home with her daughter. Margaret Lockwood signing photographs for her fans, daughter Margaret helps her. Various shots of Margaret Lockwood walking in countryside with her daughter, a little boy joins them. Margaret Lockwood, her daughter and little boy are seen feeding the chickens, playing with ducklings and a goat


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