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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Land Army Girls Cutting Xmas Trees (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – Land Army girls cutting down Xmas trees at Lyndhurst, New Forest. Unissued / unused material. Land army girls cut Christmas trees at Lyndhurst, New Forest, Hampshire. C/U man standing by Fordson Tractor, pan with him as he gets into tractor. Various shots Land Girls stacking up Xmas trees. M/S two girls sawing root away from tree. C/U girl stacking. M/S girl picking up trees and throwing them on pile. L/S girls cutting and stacking the trees
  • Land Girls Get The Harvest (1941)

    🎬British Pathé – Great shots of girls of the Women's Land Army collecting in the harvest. Unused / unissued material - location and dates unclear or unknown. Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire. VS of land girls getting in the harvest. They operate tractor drawn reaper over large corn fields probably on Salisbury Plains. The reapers operate in an impressive chain over the large fields. VS of girls taking a well earned rest when the tea van arrives on site. More shots of the reapers working across the field. Short CU of corn waving in breeze. More shots of the tea break. (Neg.) Cataloguer's Note: The Land Girls are part of the WLA - the Women's Land Army - and these are really good shots. Old record suggests date as August 1941 - MD
  • Like A Giant Cheese Cutter (1929)

    🎬British Pathé – Wartime hangars on Salisbury Plain are demolished to give clear view of Stonehenge. Wiltshire. Item title reads - Like a giant cheese cutter. Messrs. Chivers & Sons cut great wartime hangars on behalf of National Trust to give clear view of Stonehenge once again. Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire. M/S of a man at the top of one of the hangars, securing rope which he slides down. M/S as they pull the hangars down with the rope, various shots as they are demolished and fall over like dominoes.
  • Living Christmas Card (1930-1931)

    🎬British Pathé – Fox hunters in the New Forest gather around memorial stone to William Rufus. Full title reads: "'A living Christmas card' historical and beautiful! New Forest Hunt hold annual Xmastide Meet at the Rufus Stone - where William Rufus was killed in a hunting accident (?) - 831 years ago!" New Forest, Hampshire. Various shots of fox hunters out on their horses and riding with their hounds. The hunt gathers around a memorial stone. The hunt sets off once more in to the Forest. Cu inscription on memorial stone to King William II who apparently died there
  • Living Christmas Card (1930-1931)

    🎬British Pathé – Fox hunters in the New Forest gather around memorial stone to William Rufus. Full title reads: "'A living Christmas card' historical and beautiful! New Forest Hunt hold annual Xmastide Meet at the Rufus Stone - where William Rufus was killed in a hunting accident (?) - 831 years ago!" New Forest, Hampshire. Various shots of fox hunters out on their horses and riding with their hounds. The hunt gathers around a memorial stone. The hunt sets off once more in to the Forest. Cu inscription on memorial stone to King William II who apparently died there
  • Look: The Silent Watcher (1961) Presented by Peter Scott

    🎬All through the year Eric Ashby watches and films the wild deer, foxes, and badgers of the New Forest. Last summer (1961) Peter Scott visited 'Badger Cottage' in the New Forest, to look at Eric Ashby's latest films and to see where they were made.

    Peter Scott's natural history series 'Look' ran from 1955 to 1969 and was the BBC's flagship wildlife programme.

    Presenter Peter Scott
    Guest/filmmaker Eric Ashby
    Additional photography William Morris
    Sound editor Douglas Thomas
    Film editor Paul Khan
    Producer Christopher Parsons
    A BBC Natural History Unit Film

    First shown on BBC at 7.30pm on 1st December 1961


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