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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Speed Record - 357.7 Miles Per Hour (1929)

    🎬British Pathé – Squadron Leader Orlebar sits in the Rolls-Royce S.6. seaplane in which he broke speed record. Calshot, Hampshire. Item title reads - 357.7 miles per hour! Squadron Leader Orlebar in the Supermarine Rolls-Royce S.6. in which Flying Officer Waghorn won the Schneider Trophy sets up marvellous new record for Britain. Calshot, Hampshire. M/S of Squadron Leader Orlebar sat in the S.6. as it floats on the water, he gets out and climbs down onto a man's shoulders who carries him to shore. M/S of him talking to a group of ladies. M/S as he climbs in the seaplane, which is now on land. M/S as another man fits the roof of the cockpit over him. M/S of him sat in the pilot's seat.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • Grim Spectacle And Iron Efficiency (1927)

    🎬British Pathé – Army manoeuvres on the Wiltshire plains with tanks and other vehicles. Item title reads: "A Grim Spectacle & Iron Efficiency. The new Mechanised Army goes into action during manoeuvres on Salisbury Plain." Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire. Opening shot has a number of small armoured cars and motor cycles driven by soldiers. They are wearing tin helmets as the convoy roll through village streets. Dark footage of large tanks coming uphill towards camera, and rolling away down the road. M/S tanks and personnel carriers negotiate a country road. L/S of many lorries carrying soldiers stretching in long line in distance. M/S motorbikes and trucks crossing a hillside in the Wessex plains and lorries climbing a hill. Note: Item title missing. Some footage dark in places and grainy
  • Their Home Is Bulldozed (1956)

    🎬British Pathé – Mrs Mitchell fights for her home. Ringwood, Hampshire. Defying Hampshire County Council's ban, widow Mitchell plans to rebuild the half-finished house the council bulldozed. GV. Mrs Mitchell's partly demolished house. LV. Mrs Mitchell in front of her shack (improvised) feeding chickens. CU. Four pigs waiting to be fed in pen. SCU. Mrs Mitchell feeding pigs. SV. Mrs Mitchell walks to wheelbarrow, picks it up and wheels it out of picture to her demolished house site. GV. Mrs Mitchell wheeling barrow partly filled with bricks. She tips up barrow to empty bricks. CU. Mrs Mitchell pushing barrow over to empty bricks. SV. Mrs Mitchell's son and daughter clearing bricks from the rubble. CU. Mrs Mitchell's daughter helping load bricks into the barrow. SV. Mr Desmond Bailey, who helped to build the house, calls over Mrs Hughes' son Ian for consultation with plans for construction of another house. CU. Mr Bailey and Ian consulting over plans. CU. Pencil pointing to plans on paper of new house. LV. Mr Bailey and Ian Hughes marking out for new house. LV. Mrs Mitchell with the help of neighbours lifting off window frame from heap of rubble. CU. Mrs Mitchell carrying window frame with help of neighbour. GV. Mrs Mitchell with neighbours still clearing away rubble from the bulldozed site
  • Wood Sculptor (1969)

    🎬British Pathé – Wood sculptor Ron Lane at work in Hampshire. Dibden Purlieu, Hampshire. Various shots of wood sculptures made by wood sculptor Ron Lane. Ron Lane examining pieces of tree trunks branches. Most of the sculptures are animals - birds and fishes, etc. He is also seen at work with chisel carving figures in workshop
  • The Complete Invader (1966)

    🎬British Pathé – Assault landing ship - the complete invader presented at Solent. Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire. Air view of HMS Fearless, the first assault landing ship, at sea near the Solent harbour. LV. The flight deck as helicopter comes in to land. LV. From flight deck as helicopter lands. LV. Interior, Captain on bridge looking through binoculars. CU. Captain looking through binoculars. He leans forwards to speak into microphone. SV. Officer looking at closed circuit TV. CU. & LV. Helicopter lifting land rover from flight deck. GV. The helicopter hovering over flight deck. Top shot, landing craft at sea turning towards Fearless. GV. From the landing craft as it goes in between the two stern sections of Fearless. Several shots of the landing craft as it comes in. LV. As the landing craft comes under covered section. LV. Army lorry going down ramp on landing craft. GV. Top shot, lorry moving onboard landing craft. LV. Scout car coming up ramp. SV. Pan, another one. LV. Tank on the move, & CU. SV. As tank goes away. Air view of the HMS Fearless.
  • Living Christmas Card (1930-1931)

    🎬British Pathé – Fox hunters in the New Forest gather around memorial stone to William Rufus. Full title reads: "'A living Christmas card' historical and beautiful! New Forest Hunt hold annual Xmastide Meet at the Rufus Stone - where William Rufus was killed in a hunting accident (?) - 831 years ago!" New Forest, Hampshire. Various shots of fox hunters out on their horses and riding with their hounds. The hunt gathers around a memorial stone. The hunt sets off once more in to the Forest. Cu inscription on memorial stone to King William II who apparently died there


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